Best ships in world of warships legends
Best ships in world of warships legends

best ships in world of warships legends

While some players have undoubtedly found one or two of the uses of the ALT key, still many others have been left in the dark on what it can truly do.

best ships in world of warships legends

Regardless of what ship class you have selected, the ALT key should be as important as your left mouse button. The biggest key to learn to use is the ALT key. This guide is here to help you THE ALT LIFE While some of these less intuitive controls are covered under the F1 key’s help screen, there remain even more that are hidden away. However, being that the player is controlling a naval ship crewed by hundreds, if not thousands, of persons, this barely scratches the surface of all the controls a player needs to utilize to excel. These few simple controls are enough to complete entire matches, particularly in the early tiers.

best ships in world of warships legends

World of Warships is a very intuitive game to anyone familiar with the recent military war-machine series or a first person shooter it uses standard WASD controls for movement with the mouse controlling the camera, aiming, and firing.

Best ships in world of warships legends